Work Less. Gain More.

Using the You Squared methodology we show you how to maximise your time in the most efficient way and create passive income revenue streams to ensure you can work less hours but increase your revenue.


Free online course to maximise time & efficiency

If you run a business then the number one issue people face is finding the time to do everything. You want to make as much money as possible but quickly realise you can only do so much in the time you have. So how do you accomplish all your goals when there’s only one of you? The You² Formula – It’s you with the power of two. Learn all of the techniques to develop your businesses, increase sales & create more profit from less effort.

What you’ll learn

How the Course Works

You Squared is a 10 day course featuring 4 in-depth lessons designed to help you learn all of the different services, products and profit funnels available to create quick and passive income.

The You Squared Formula

Our methodology is simple. We want to teach you all of the different options that exist which enable you to setup quick and simple profit funnels that will generate you more revenue and provide you with a passive income. This allows you to spend more time focusing on the important things instead of having to worry about trying to gain income in one place. There are so many options available to business owners now that it seems a waste to just have one money-making model. We show you step-by-step how to implement new revenue streams into your business and start making more money with less work immediately.

What Will You Learn?

  • Social Media Management and creating ads

  • Marketing Email management with auto-responders

  • How to create and sell your own online courses

  • How to integrate affiliate systems into your business model



4 Simple Lessons to Increase Revenue

Using less time and effort, increase your profit by adding vital revenue streams to your business model.


what’s included on the course?

The You Squared Formula

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Services and Tools

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam finibus lorem dui, a gravida justo porttitor tincidunt. Quisque rhoncus feugiat massa et congue. Nulla libero sapien, egestas sed ante vel, posuere pretium risus. Curabitur urna arcu, hendrerit ac augue nec, consequat tincidunt lorem. Nulla facilisi. Fusce mattis tempor nulla, vitae luctus nunc porttitor at.Nunc ac mi hendrerit, scelerisque risus eget. Mauris facilisis nulla vitae erat lacinia, ut ullamcorper dui venenatis.

Products to Offer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam finibus lorem dui, a gravida justo porttitor tincidunt. Quisque rhoncus feugiat massa et congue. Nulla libero sapien, egestas sed ante vel, posuere pretium risus. Curabitur urna arcu, hendrerit ac augue nec, consequat tincidunt lorem. Nulla facilisi. Fusce mattis tempor nulla, vitae luctus nunc porttitor at.Nunc ac mi hendrerit, scelerisque risus eget. Mauris facilisis nulla vitae erat lacinia, ut ullamcorper dui venenatis.

How to Implement

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam finibus lorem dui, a gravida justo porttitor tincidunt. Quisque rhoncus feugiat massa et congue. Nulla libero sapien, egestas sed ante vel, posuere pretium risus. Curabitur urna arcu, hendrerit ac augue nec, consequat tincidunt lorem. Nulla facilisi. Fusce mattis tempor nulla, vitae luctus nunc porttitor at.Nunc ac mi hendrerit, scelerisque risus eget. Mauris facilisis nulla vitae erat lacinia, ut ullamcorper dui venenatis.

Contact Us for More Info

If you have any further questions about the course then please feel free to get in touch using the contact form below and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

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We’re always trying to help businesses succeed with our winning formula!